Tag: Spider-Man

10 Geeky Gifts For Women Who Love Comics

Comic books have never been more popular than they are now. Thanks in large part to the mega success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe comic book heroes, and fans are everywhere it seems. And increasingly, more and more of those fans are women. Starting in the early 2010s comic books began to put a great focus on stronger women characters, that when paired with women writers created a different perspective of what a comic bookContinue reading

10 Best Video Games Of 2018 To Gift

With so many new video games released each year it’s difficult to keep track of which ones are worth your time. Too many times gamers get excited to bring a new game home only to find it’s a stinker as soon as they press start. Luckily, 2018 was a stellar year for video games with a ton of quality titles hitting shelves. To help further separate the best games from the rest, we’ve created ourContinue reading