Tag: Hot Toys

10 Geeky Gifts For Women Who Love Comics

Comic books have never been more popular than they are now. Thanks in large part to the mega success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe comic book heroes, and fans are everywhere it seems. And increasingly, more and more of those fans are women. Starting in the early 2010s comic books began to put a great focus on stronger women characters, that when paired with women writers created a different perspective of what a comic bookContinue reading

10 Great Gift Ideas For Your Boyfriend

Ladies, we get it. Some guys are just impossible to shop for. And unfortunately for you, your boyfriend is one of them. He already has all the toys he’ll ever want and if he ever comes across something new, he just buys it on the spot. And sadly, patience isn’t something that can be easily wrapped with a bow. When it comes to finding the perfect gift for your boyfriend, our golden rule of adviceContinue reading

10 Non Traditional Groomsman Gifts

When it comes to your wedding day you’ve got a million things to do. Don’t forget your tux, google your vows, don’t embarrass yourself at the rehearsal dinner and most important of all, keep the fiance happy. Who’s got the time for the little things, like taking care of your groomsmen? They’ve had your back through this whole ordeal and now it’s time you had theirs. Yeah, you could give them the same boring giftsContinue reading