Category: Girl

10 Awesome LEGO Sets For Girls

No longer seen as just a toy for boys, LEGO has exploded onto the girls side of the toy aisle over the past few years to create an impressive collection of sets that rivals anything targeted towards the boys. With some great licenses from Disney and DC Superheros along with their own doll like Friends line and the fantastic Elves fantasy sets these girl themed LEGOs are long overdue and totally awesome. Girls will haveContinue reading

10 Great Girl Toys For 2018

It’s hard to keep up with the state of girl toys these days. Although Barbies are, and will always be a solid staple, the girl’s toy aisle is rapidly evolving. Toys popular among boys for years are now being targeted towards girls with brands such as Nerf, LEGO, and Star Wars broadening their product lines. On top of these new trends in the last few years have also seen many upstart toy lines grow intoContinue reading

10 Great Gifts For Teenage Girls

It sure can be daunting to find great gifts for teenage girls these days. Trends go out of style as fast as they came in and what’s hot today is tomorrow’s embarrassment. But luckily there are some constants among the fickle teenage crowd. A girl’s cell phone will always be her link to friends and social media so anything cell phone related is always a safe bet to gift. Other safe bets are anything beautyContinue reading

10 Popular Girl Christmas Toys

It’s hard to keep up with the state of girl toys these days. Although Barbies are, and will always be a solid staple, the girl’s toy aisle is rapidly evolving. Toys popular among boys for years are now being targeted towards girls with brands such as Nerf, LEGO, and Star Wars broadening their product lines. On top of these new changes the last few years have also seen many new upstart toy lines grow intoContinue reading